I plan to give an ad in Economic Times main newspaper. Want various permutation and combination... What I am looking for is: - a) Ad cost of giving a single ad 12 x 20 sq cm b) Ad cost of giving a single ad 16 x 25 sq cm c) Ad cost for multiple edition in the above size d) Front page e) We have been giving Paharpur cooling tower ad in the main newspaper: is there any possibility of giving a sister concern (like we are a sister concern of Paharpur cooling tower). Can we give our business ad right next to Paharpur cooling tower ad. f) We will give the artwork from Delhi / whereas Paharpur cooling tower gives ad from Kolkata). Do you have any package deal for a whole year???


ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ad booking agency. We book ads online which get printed in the newspaper.

As per your requirement, please visit the following link: https://economictimes.releasemyad.com/display-ad.php to book a display ad in Economic Times. Please specify the ad size and you can review the exact ad rate for different editions. You can also review the packages available for Display ads in Economic Times.

Just choose the edition as per your requirement to proceed towards composing your ad. You can either use our pre designed templates or upload your personally designed advert and specify the ad size.

Please make sure that you book your ad and clear the payment at least 2-3 days prior to the release dates.

Related to: Economic Times, Business, Payment Options, Rate Post date: 20/01/2021 - 06:18PM