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Display AD RATES


Frequently Asked Questions

ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ad booking agency. We book ads online which get printed in the newspaper. As per your requirement, please visit the following link: to book a display ad in Economic Times. Please specify the ad size and you can review the exact ad rate for different editions. You can also review the packages available for Display ads in Economic Times. Just choose the edition as per your requirement to proceed towards composing your ad. You can either use our pre designed templates or upload your personally designed advert and specify the ad size. Please make sure that you book your ad and clear the payment at least 2-3 days prior to the release dates.
The ad you are looking for is a Display Ad. In order to view rates for Display ads for Economic Times please visit this link : Please select the ad size as full, half or quarter and you can view the exact ad rates and discount packages as per your requirement.  You can either compose your ad with the help of our pre designed templates or you can simply upload your personally designed advert and publish it in the newspaper of your choice. Please ensure that for a timely release of your recruitment advert in The Economic Times, you must clear all the payments and complete the booking process at least 2-3 days prior to the release dates.
To book a display ad in the Economic Times, you will need to visit our Economic Times Business Display Ad rates  page where you will get all the information regarding Economic Times business ad rates. There are also a number of discount offers and special packages available for you to choose from.  You need to choose the preferred edition or package and of course the ad size to get the cost estimate for your Business adverts. You can start booking the ad by composing it with all the specifications and also mentioning the page on which you’d like to see your ad printed. Depending on these criteria, the exact price of the ad will is calculated and provided to you, which you need to pay via our online or offline methods for a successful booking of the ad. Please ensure that the ad is booked at least 2-3 days in advance for a timely release of the advertisement and you can also take the help of our Online Ad booking Tutorial to get assistance in booking your ad through releaseMyAd. 
Visit our Economic Times ad rates page, wherefrom you will get an idea about the pricing and discount offers available for publishing Business ads in the preferred newspaper. It will obviously depend on the size of Economic times advertisement you want to publish since display ads are calculated according to the height and width of the ad measured in per square cm unit. It also depends on the placement of the ad that is the page where you want to get the ad printed. While composing the ad, you can take the help of online design templates to create and design your advertisement. Please complete the booking by making the payment through our online or offline methods, designed only for your convenience and do not forget to confirm the ad release dates for a timely release of your advertisement. 
To publish an Economic Times advertisement, you will need to know the rates for doing so. Visit our Economic Times ad rates page to know the rates for display Business and Tender Notice ads depending on their placement, as in the page in which they are published. The payment methods include net banking, credit card or debit card and if you are not well-versed with online methods, you can also make the transaction in cash or cheque. Therefore, we provide all kinds of payment options for your convenience as mentioned below: Online Methods: Credit/Debit Cards Net Banking NEFT (Online Wire Transfer) Offline Methods: Cash Deposit Cash Transfer Cash Collection Demand Draft Cheque Deposits
In order to get a comprehensive knowledge about the rates for publishing an ad in the Economic Times, you will need to visit our Economic Times Business ad rates page, wherefrom you will get an idea about the pricing and discount offers available for publishing a Business Notice in The Economic Times. The cost of your Business notice depends on the type of ad you are publish and since you want to release a display ad, it will be expensive, as the price for display ads are calculated according to the size of the ad based on per square cm unit. It also depends on the placement of the ad that is the page where you intend to publish the ad. While composing the Economic Times business display ads, please keep in mind that the ad will be placed as a display Tender notice (because business notices mainly refer to UFRs). You can take the help of sample ads for composing your ads, after which you can make the payments via online methods or in cash or cheque.

Booking Process

How are Economic Times Display ads priced?

Book Economic Times newspaper display advertisement

Book your Economic Times newspaper display advertisement instantly at no extra cost with ease.Avail the online newspaper display ad booking service for Economic Times through releaseMyAd and get exclusive rates and offers! releaseMyAd is a fully I.N.S. accredited agency which enables it to successfully accept & process online booking for Economic Times via internet.

Through releaseMyAd – India’s largest Advertisement Agency for online newspaper Ad booking for Economic Times you can book your Display Ads in three easy steps.

1 -  Choose from all available packages / locations

2 - Customize your Ad Design, Preview your Cost

3 -  Select your Ad release Dates and clear payment


Book your Economic Times legal & public notice, recruitment/appointment ad, tender notice, property public notice and other display ads online instantly!